I have problem when I resize my window ,I don't understand why, when I move my window .
my another window created with .c bind cir <1> [list window %x %y]
do not follow my window .
I believe that I've to use <Configure>
as option, but I don't know how to do
Thanks for your help
My code below :
proc window {crx cry} {
set w1 .win
catch {destroy $w1}
toplevel $w1
wm minsize $w1 300 100
wm maxsize $w1 300 100
label $w1.l -text "$crx $cry"
pack $w1.l
wm state . zoomed
canvas .c -bg ivory
.c create oval 2 1.5 25 25 -fill #33FF00 -tag cir
.c create oval 30 30 50 50 -fill #33FF00 -tag cir1
.c create oval 60 60 90 90 -fill #33FF00 -tag cir2
.c create oval 90 90 130 130 -fill #33FF00 -tag cir3
pack .c -fill both -expand 1
.c bind cir <1> [list window %x %y]
.c bind cir1 <1> [list window %x %y]
.c bind cir2 <1> [list window %x %y]
.c bind cir3 <1> [list window %x %y]