SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Fact Order Count]} ON COLUMNS, { ([Front Manager].[Front Manager Id].[Front Manager Id].ALLMEMBERS * [Order Type].[Order Type].[Order Type].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS FROM [TEST_DW] CELL PROPERTIES VALUE
So, I have three columns in the output. :
Front Manager, Order Type, Order Count
The above query shows me the counts for each manager and order type combination. I need a fourth column which would be a percentage of the types of orders for each front manager.
So, if there are four types of orders (A, B, C, D), and a manager had 25 of each order totaling 100. The fourth column would read 25%.....
I have scoured the web on how to do this, but have really come up short on this one. Any direction on this would be greatly appreciated, I am definitely new to MDX. Thanks.