
I have a cube derived from three dimension tables and a fact table

fact_event (date, location, type) dim_location, dim_type and dim_time

I want to use reporting services to create a report with the following layout

    [Location].Members ON COLUMNS,
    [Type].Members ON ROWS,
    [Time].[Hierarchy].[Month] ON PAGES
  FROM [Events]
    [Measures].[Event Count]

Reporting Services obviously likes the query flattened and the measure in the column such as

    [Measures].[Event Count] ON COLUMNS
      [Location].Members *
      [Type].Members *
    } ON ROWS
  FROM [Events]

But when it is performed like this rows and columns that do not contain a value are removed. So for January I might have "New York", "London", "Sydney" but for February I only have "New York", "Sydney"

I would like to have an MDX query that would return a 0 for London for that month.

The same goes for the event type as some event types mightn't occur for a particular month but I would like a row of zeros to appear for that month.

I can get the required data by reverting back to sql but it would be a lot more preferable to use the cube. The SQL query that gets me everything I want is

SELECT d.[Month], t.[Type], l.[Location], COALESCE(es.EVENT_COUNT, 0) AS EVENT_COUNT
      FROM @Dim_Time 
  ) d
  CROSS JOIN @Dim_Type t
  CROSS JOIN @Dim_Location l
    SELECT [Month], [Type], [Location], 
      FROM @Fact_Event
      GROUP BY [Month], [Type], [Location]
  ) es ON (d.[Month] = es.[Month] AND t.[Type] = es.[Type] AND 
           l.[Location] = es.[Location])

I've included a script to populate some temp tables with appropriate data to demonstrate the above query

declare @Dim_Time table ([Month] datetime)
declare @Dim_Location table ([Location] varchar(10))
declare @Dim_Type table ([Type] varchar(10))
declare @Fact_Event table ([Month] datetime, [Location] varchar(10), [Type] varchar(10))

insert into @Dim_Time values ('1 Jan 2011')
insert into @Dim_Time values ('1 Feb 2011')
insert into @Dim_Location values ('New York')
insert into @Dim_Location values ('Sydney')
insert into @Dim_Location values ('London')
insert into @Dim_Type values ('Good')
insert into @Dim_Type values ('Bad')

insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'New York', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'New York', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'New York', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'Sydney', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'London', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'London', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Jan 2011', 'London', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'New York', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'New York', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'Sydney', 'Bad')
insert into @Fact_Event values ('1 Feb 2011', 'Sydney', 'Good')

Any assistance is appreciated.


1 Answers


Use the "Toggle non-empty" button in the SSRS query designer.

Looks like a dataset with a green funnel underneath it.

Toggle between showing and not showing empty cells in the Data pane. (This is the equivalent to using the NON EMPTY clause in MDX).