
I am using mongoVUE as mongo admin UI. My mongo server is running with authentication enabled I have created one test db (say test_db) and one user(test_user) in that db. I have authorized test_db with test_user. If i use mongo shell , than commands like "show db" ,"show collections " in some db fails with authorization problem (this is fine and excepted). But if use mongoVUE to login into mongo server using test_user. i am able to see all the db's. i can access them ,i can modify them. Do anyone know what is happening here ?

the same database, with the same username & password, works in mongoVUE and doesn't work in mongo shell?milan
no..my question is different.one username and password gives access to all other datbases in mongoVUE (which is wrong). in shell it works fine as expectedgsagrawal
aha, I see now. Only users from the admin database are allowed to see all databases. Can you confirm that mongoVUE does indeed use test_user and that it doesn't exist in the admin database?milan
test_user is there in admin database ,but this user doesnt have access to admin db. only admin user can access admin db.and mongoVUE is using test_user only.gsagrawal
ohhh..i got it now. it seems any user from admin database can access evreything. even if that account dosent have access to admin account also.gsagrawal

1 Answers


Users that are listed in the admin database have access to any other database, can do show dbs and show collections, without being explicitly added to any other database.