I'm attempting to add a button to the Activities grid ribbon to open a modal window that shows all the activities with latlng data on a map.
I have this working ok for a small number of activities, but once the selected number grows too large CRM has problems opening the modal window.
My current theory is that this is because the parameter string is too long to be passed via the GET method.
Is there a way to pass the SelectedControlSelectedItemIds to the web resource using POST rather than GET? I can't see any in TN docs*, but I'm hoping someone might have found a way.
Here's a snippet of the code I have at the moment:
<CommandDefinition Id="Mscrm.Isv.activitypointer.HomepageGrid.Group0.Control0">
<EnableRule Id="Mscrm.Enabled" />
<DisplayRules />
<Url Address="$webresource:as_cam_mapsa" WinMode="1" PassParams="true" WinParams="dialogHeight: 800px; dialogWidth: 1000px">
<CrmParameter Name="data" Value="SelectedControlSelectedItemIds" />