
In the "Summary View" of the Auditing , I understand that all the records has their fields with corresponding old and new value. In the back end (Audit table ) it is stored in the form of Attribute Mask and Change Data. As far I understood , attribute mask refers to the column identity ( Correct me if I am wrong ) . I am not quite clear about format in which the values are stored in the Change Data column .

Any leads on this?

Humble thanks in advance.


1 Answers


As it appears from the Audit Trails, both the Attribute Mask and Change Data are stored as string. On further inspection into the database, if you look into the "AuditBase" table, you'll find that the Change Data is of type nvarchar(max).

EDIT : You can try out the steps mentioned here to decrypt the Attribute Maske column - http://kelvinshen.blogspot.in/2012_02_01_archive.html