I'm very confused. I'm using CakePHP 1.2 and try to add this structure:
- DB name: routingaliases
- Model name: Routingalias, routingalias.php
- Controller: RoutingaliasesController and var $name = 'Routingaliases';, routingaliases_controller.php
- Views: folder name - routingaliases and there are index.ctp and main.ctp
But when try to open http://example.com/routingaliases/index I received error:
Error: The view for RoutingaliasesController::index() was not found.
Error: Confirm you have created the file: /var/www/***/views/routingaliases/index.ctp
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create */views/errors/missing_view.ctp
Actually folder and view file exist, but I got it error. Can someone help me how to fix it?
chmod 644
permissions). Also try checking your error log for further details (might be worth checking both your web server's error log as well as cake's logs under app/tmp/logs/error.log and debug.log). – Oldskool