being a novice myself, I hope I can help you.
When you bake, it creates for you all the model, controller and view.
I discovered that by answering the questions about the fields, relationships in tables and helpers it creates all these for you, I suggest you create a mysql db with 2 tables and make relationship between the 2 and start to bake and do this several times to see what things are happening [reading cakephp manual] will help as well of course.
When you understand the relationship between the mvc then you will know you can create your own controller and a view to build extra pages for example.
I had some trouble to understand the plural and others till I found this url about the inflector, I can advice this to you as well.
If you want to create a new view, you need to create first a new controller.
Then create a folder and put in that folder your new view index.ctp
So let's say you want to create a new page on your website called spain, create controller spain manual in folder app/Controller/SpainController.php
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
* Spain Controller
class SpainController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');
public function index() {
$this->set('title_for_layout', 'Properties in Spain');
Then you create your view in /app/View/Spain/index.ctp
<!-- View for Spain -->
<br /><h1 align="center">Put your text here...</h1><br />
<div align="center"><hr><br />
That's it regards your own view...
Not sure if I understand you correct about this export.excel but it seems to me you want to create something what exports data out of your DB. So you start cake bake, 1 controller, select the tables with the data to export and answer the questions. When whole process done, you can modify your view.
Not sure about your other question.
Hope this helps.