My title is probably not really describing the problem real well. I do not need the answer to this question for what I am doing, I have things correct now, but while I was working with the Scala combinator parsers I had this issue that confused me. I would like to understand the language better (I'm a Scala newbie for the most part), so I thought I would see if anyone can explain this to me:
Here is the code:
package my.example
import scala.util.parsing.input.StreamReader
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
class DummyParser extends StandardTokenParsers
def scan
filename : String
) : Unit =
// Read in file
val input = StreamReader( Source.fromFile( filename ).bufferedReader )
// I want a reference to lexical in StandardTokenParsers
val mylexical = lexical
// Even if I put a type above like these two below it does not help
// val mylexical : StdLexical = lexical
// val mylexical : Tokens = lexical
val tokensGood : lexical.Scanner = new lexical.Scanner( input )
Compile error in following line:
error: type mismatch;
found : mylexical.Scanner
required: DummyParser.this.lexical.Scanner
val tokensBad : lexical.Scanner = new mylexical.Scanner( input )
The "val tokensBad" line gets the compile error shown in the comments. Isn't mylexical above referencing the exact same object as this.lexical (defined in StandardTokenParsers that the class above is deriving from). Reading "Programming in Scala" I think I sort of understand that the type of lexical.Scanner is path dependent (Section 20.7), but shouldn't lexical.Scanner and mylexical.Scanner be the same type? Isn't lexical and mylexical the same object? Heck, the dog food example in the book on page 426 seems to say the SuitableFood type from two different dogs is the same, and in my case above its the exact same object (I think). What's really going on here?