I was reading the section 20.7 of the book Programming in Scala and I was wondering why while this code compiles:
class Food
class Fish extends Food
class Grass extends Food
abstract class Animal {
type SuitableFood <: Food
def eat(food: SuitableFood)
class Cow extends Animal {
type SuitableFood = Grass
override def eat(food: Grass) {}
val bessy: Animal = new Cow
bessy eat (new bessy.SuitableFood)
This code does not (the rest of the code is the same as before, only the last line changes):
bessy eat (new Grass)
And as far as I understand the type of Grass is the same of Cow.SuitableFood.
Also, I have another question regarding this example:
If bessy is of type Animal, how can the compiler know that it needs a type SuitableFood -> Grass instead of a type Food? 'Cause trying to provide a new Food gives me a compile error of type mismatch, but the class Animal needs a type Food and the type of bessy is explicitly defined: Animal