Possible Duplicate:
Why is there not a ForEach extension method on the IEnumerable interface?
For reference, here's the blog post which eric referred to in the comments
More of a curiosity I suppose but one for the C# Specification Savants...
Why is it that the ForEach() clause doesn't work (or isn't available) for use on IQueryable/IEnumerable result sets...
You have to first convert your results ToList() or ToArray() Presumably theres a technical limitation to the way C# iterates IEnumerables Vs. Lists... Is it something to do with the Deferred Execution's of IEnumerables/IQuerable Collections. e.g.
var userAgentStrings = uasdc.UserAgentStrings
.Where<UserAgentString>(p => p.DeviceID == 0 &&
userAgentStrings.ToList().ForEach(uas => ProcessUserAgentString(uas));
Array.ForEach(userAgentStrings.ToArray(), uas => ProcessUserAgentString(uas));
//Doesn't WORK
userAgentStrings.ForEach(uas => ProcessUserAgentString(uas));
ForEach(uac => ProcessUserAgentString(uas))
. – mmx