tl;dr; How would you take StartDate-DateTime: Dec 10th 2011, EndDate-DateTime Jan 15th 2012, and determine whether or not Dec 1, Dec 9,Dec 17,Dec 25, Jan 1, and Jan 9 fit into that TimeSpan, Year excluded and get a Bool for each one?
I have a visual timespan consisting of a linear graph showing when a specific activity is active.
I am given an object with a start date, and an end date.
I have covered the timespan with a DIV having a red background representing 1/4 of each month, naming them JanQ1, JanQ2, etc..
These start off as visibility:hidden, but need to be altered in the event that the activity is active during the part of the year.
The problem I'm having is getting a true/false value that ignores the year being given.
For example, an event that goes from Dec 10th 2011 to Jan 15th 2012, I would want this result set: