
I'm coding a wordpress for a band and on their discography page they want the following:

  1. Album cover image
  2. Title
  3. Release date
  4. List of 10 or so songs that they can click to play...

Then next to EACH song needs to be 5 different icons (video, lyrics, play, amazon link, itunes link).

At first I was going to use a custom post type, but considering that's only 1 dimension of data i dont know what to do, as they have to add like 10 songs for each album, and then the 5 urls associated with each song.

How might i do this with custom post types? or is there a plugin that could help?


1 Answers


For something like that, look into Custom Fields (http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Fields).

This plugin would help http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-field-template/

Though it is possible (but a lot to explain) to code them yourself. The aforementioned plugin will do a lot of that for you.