
I have a song lyrics data structure that I'm developing and I've hit a dead end. To understand the basics of the structure, check out Justin Tadlock's article: create a movie database using custom taxonomies

This has been the closest thing to what I need. But the requirement that breaks everything is that the user needs to sort the lyrics based on the parent album's release date. Wordpress allows for a custom taxonomy to have meta data, so I have created a custom taxonomy: "album" with a [release_date] field.

Now, I'm stuck because I can't figure out how to write a WP_Query that will give me the following data:

Album Title - Released 2012
    Song Title - Track 1
    Song Title - Track 2
Album Title - Released 2011
    Song Title - Track 1
    Song Title - Track 2

All my research has led me to dead ends so I would appreciate anyone's help. With this current dead end, I may have to resort to hand coding custom tables and doing raw SQL queries.


1 Answers


I'm fairly certain you can't do this directly, as I had this issue before and did quite a bit of research. What I ended up have the wp_query loop create an array of posts, which I could then sort with any of the regular php array sorting functions.