This error has been faced by many people, as seen via internet, but none of the solutions given worked for me.
I have a flex application which I am trying to run on a Linux machine. On Ubuntu, it works fine but on Fedora following error arises when a login button is clicked.
text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"].
Login button actually sends username and password entered by a user to a server deployed on same machine via HTTPService. That HTTPService actually sends data to db_mgmt.php on the server which takes care of authorization of the user by querying mysql database deployed on same machine. I am accessing db_mgmt.php in my code as:
_httpS.url= "utils/" + db_mgmt.php;
Point here is that I am accessing it via localhost. So I guess, I don't need crossdomain.xml.
Machines Information:
Machine on which App is not working:
Linux Distro: Fedora
App Path: /var/www/html/flexApp.
Owner: david:david
Permissions: 755
(I have tried setting permissions to 777 and owner to apache:apache just for testing but that din work either. Btw 'apache' is the user name running Apache/httpd on Fedora.)Machine on which App is working fine:
Linux Distro: Ubuntu
App Path: /var/www/flexApp.
Owner: mark:mark
Permissions: 755.
Problem seems not related to the Flash Player version:
I am accessing both machines from a third machine via firefox browser. Ubuntu one works fine. Fedora one returns the error mentioned. Point here is that this problem is not related to the FlashPlayer version I have in my third machine's firefox browser. Had it been the case, same problem should have popped up with the Ubuntu machine. (Note: same problem occurs in Chrome and Internet Explorer)
Problem is not because of incorrect path:
I can access following path fine. No problem occurs. And I get output from the file db_mgmt.php on both machines:
Where do I think the problem can be?
Well, after going through a lot of forums about this problem and trying the solutions given (with unsuccessful results), only thing i can think of is that some thing is wrong with the permissions of my files on Fedora server. HTTPService on Fedora machine is unable to access db_mgmt.php. But I don't know how can I be sure of it or what can be its solution. Do I need to make some changes to the settings of apache on Fedora machine?
I have to have run this app on Fedora for some other reasons. Hope to find a solution here. :)
Here is the whole dump of the error message:
cliendId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"
correlationId= "CD7D67A8-1AD1-5C89-331B-
destination = ""
extendedData = (null)
faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"]. URL:"
faultString = "HTTP request error"
headers = (Object)#1
DSStatusCode = 500
messageId = "5D10EE4D-BFA5-201E-EABE-07B7E550F727"
rootCause = (
bubbles = false
cancelable = false
currentTarget = (
bytesLoaded = 0
bytesTotal = 0
data = ""
dataFormat = "text"
errorID = 0
eventPhase = 2
target = (
text = "Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"
type = "ioError"
timestamp = 0