I am working on an Adobe Air desktop app. I am getting an Error (Error #2032) when attempting a back-end call using...
<mx:HTTPService id="xmlReadDownloadSizeObject"
public function askDownloadSize(xmlString:String):void
var xmlParam:XML = new XML("<files>" + xmlString + "</files>");
globaltotalSize = 0;
xmlReadDownloadSizeObject.url = mainDataURL + "downloadsize.ashx";
xmlReadDownloadSizeObject.method = "POST";
xmlReadDownloadSizeObject.contentType = "application/xml"
faultDetail "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://localhost:5800/downloadsize.ashx" errorID=2032]. URL: http://localhost:5800/downloadsize.ashx"
This error began happening when I changed the back-end call to a copy of the website application on my local machine (http://localhost:5800/downloadsize.ashx). I was initially calling the server directly (https://www.serverName.com/Marathon/).
I have been trying to figure this bug out for an entire day now and am near throwing my hands up in the air! If someone can offer some helpful insight, I would greatly appreciate it!
Let me know if you need some more information. Thanks