
We have TFS 2010 working on-premise in a domain environment.

I want to add a Build Service which will be hosted in a multi-instance Azure service wherein the build agent runs in the cloud. It will have access to SourceControl from on-prem TFS probably through Service Bus. I would prefer to do this without using a VM Role if possible.

The most likely topology as per Understanding a Team Foundation BuildSystem is either the 'Multiple-machine System' or 'Multiple-machine system with multiple controllers'

Has anyone done this specific type of deployment, how? Could the Build Agent be made to run in a Web or Worker role?

Does this help? Not quite the same, but could be better suited: blogs.msdn.com/b/bharry/archive/2011/09/14/…Jeremy McGee
I knew MS were working on TFS on Azure, but from the link above: "(though for now you will need to set up a TFS 11 CTP build agent on your own hardware)". It seems even they haven't figured out how to do it nicely yet.knightpfhor
Curious, why do you want to use a web/worker role?Betty
Think they want a web/worker role because it's cheaper.Rolf Huisman
The reason for wanting a build server in Azure was to get over the issues related to getting a build server set up internally. Optionallys, it would also have given us some more scalability as we needed it laterRedeemed1

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