I am not using TFS Service (Preview/Online). I am running TFS 2012 Update 2 on-site and trying to deploy an Azure Service that contains a web and worker role. I'm also using Azure SDK 2.0.
I have tried endlessly to get the deployment working with the "AzureContinuousDeployment.11" template. However, from all my effort and from what I read on the web, it seems this template only applies when using TFS Service (Online/Preview) and not for on-premise TFS.
I have now ventured down the path as suggested by http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tomholl/archive/2011/12/06/automated-build-and-deployment-with-windows-azure-sdk-1-6.aspx and http://www.justaprogrammer.net/2012/10/18/continuous-integration-with-windows-azure-sdk-1-7-powershell-and-tfs-build-too/ article. I just started the process, so have nothing working yet. However, when looking at all the steps required to do, I can't help and pause for a moment and think "Is there a better way?". We are on TFS 2012 Update 2, TFS Preview has been out for, there must be an easier way to do this.
What are the suggested steps/processes required to do a continuous push of Azure solution out to the cloud as part of TFS?
Any suggestions?