I have a Delphi DLL that contains the following types:
TStepModeType = (smSingle, smMultiStep);
TParameter = record
Number: Integer;
TStruct = record
ModType: PAnsiChar;
ModTypeRev: Integer;
ModTypeID: Integer;
RecipeName: PAnsiChar;
RecipeID: Double;
RootParamCount: Integer;
StepMode: TStepModeType;
ParamCount: Integer;
Parameters: array of TParameter;
I need to call this DLL from C# passing a ref object corresponding to the Delphi types that the DLL will fill and return. I have defined structures in my C# code like this:
enum stepModeType
struct parameter
public int Number;
struct recipe
public string modType;
public int modTypeRev;
public int modTypeId;
public string recipeName;
public double recipeId;
public int rootParamCount;
public stepModeType stepMode;
public int paramCount;
public IntPtr parameters;
I was doing fine until I ran into the dynamic array (Parameters: array of TParameter) in the Delphi code. I understand that dynamic arrays are a Delphi only construct, so I chose to use an IntPtr in my C# code in the hopes of just getting a pointer to the array and pulling the contents. Unfortunately, I am rather new to this interop stuff and I am not sure how to deal with the IntPtr.
Let's say the Delphi DLL populates the dynamic array with 2 parameter items. Can someone possibly show me the C# code that would get those 2 parameter items out of the array once it gets passed back from the Delphi DLL to my C# calling application?
UPDATE: Well, as it happens the Delphi code I was given was a simplified version. One of our Delphi developers thought it would be easier to get started with the simplified version than the real version, which is substantially more complex containing dynamic arrays of dynamic arrays of dynamic arrays. Anyway, I am now completely over my head. I only know enough about Delphi to be dangerous. Below is the code for the real structures in the Delphi code. Any further guidance on how to deal with these structures from my C# calling application would be greatly appreciated. It may not even be possible with the nesting of dynamic arrays such that they are.
TStepModeType = (smSingle, smMultiStep);
TParamValue = record
strVal: String;
fVal: Double;
Changed: Boolean;
TSteps = array of TParamValue;
TRule = record
Value: String;
TargetEnabled: Boolean;
TParamInfo = record
Caption: String;
Units: String;
RuleCount: Integer;
Rules: array of TRule;
TParameter = record
Info: TParamInfo;
Steps: TSteps;
TStruct = record
ModType: PAnsiChar;
ModTypeRev: Integer;
ModTypeID: Integer;
RecipeName: PAnsiChar;
RecipeID: Double;
RootParamCount: Integer;
StepMode: TStepModeType;
ParamCount: Integer;
Parameters: array of TParameter;