
I'm googeling the whole evening. Either I'm blind or have no luck.

I'm developing a Application in Flash Builder 4.5 to control an server application, also not a classical Website. All is Spark and I set the minHeight and minWidth-Properties for the , because i have an Image and Navigators, and there becomes a strange effect, when the browserwindow is sliding smaller that the min-Properties.

The content and there scrollbars are already controlled over the parent containers, thats not the probelm.

Summary: What i expect from a upToDate-Application is: When the Browserwindow is larger than the min-Properties, but too small for the content, the Application respectively the container should control the scroll bars.

If is the Browser-Window smaller than the min-Properties, i expecting scollbars from the browser. I think, in this case, the html-wrapper needs knowledge about the min-properties.

Can you give me a hint, what i can do, that i fit the expecting behavior?

Thanks a lot Frank

I am honestly not sure what you're asking. Is it possible to clarify?JeffryHouser
What i want is a Browser Scrollbar, when the browser window is smaller that the minHeigt / minWidth Property of my <s:Application>-Application. When there should only appear, when the windows is smaller and disapear, when the window is bigger.Frank

2 Answers


You can either wrap your components in a scrollbar (VScrollBar seems adequate) or define your components as a scrollbar view port:

 <s:VScrollBar viewport="{myGroup}" height="100"/>

As I understand, the application can be seen in 3 levels: HTML Wrapper > (Flash) Application > (Flash) Content

Is it what you want to achieve: If Application's size is bigger than HTML wrapper's (browser window size), use Browser's scroll bar; if Content's size is bigger than Application's size, use Application's scroll bar?

  1. I didn't completely digest the Adobe's default html-template, but one thing for sure is that it disables the browser scrollbar. Building my own html-template is the way I chose. And by default, if the browser window cannot display content of a div, browser will automatically show the scroll bars.

  2. To enable Application scroll bars while Content area is too large, just wrap the Content into a Scroller. Or you can put it into a GroupBase component with clipAndEnableScrolling property set to true, then explicitly define ScrollBar like user294702 suggested.