A few days ago, I watched the video tutorial which explains how to use custom cells in an UITableViewController. I've learned that I can prepare a custom cell directly in the interface builder, so I did following:
I created a UITableViewController and connect a custom class which consists of an IBOutlet (UILabel). After that, I switched in my storyboard and prepared my custom cell with an UILabel. Finally I connect the label from UITableViewController to my custom cell directly.
The following happens:
Couldn't compile connection: <IBCocoaTouchOutletConnection:0x400724860 <IBProxyObject: 0x4007872c0> => productLabel => <IBUIImageView: 0x401080220>>
Isn't it possible to connect this directly? In the tutorial video of WWDC 2011 Section (Session #309) they do exactly what I did. But there is a hook: they don't show the code behind, they just connect it like I explained above.
For a better understanding I add a screenshot which shows, what i connect: