Edit: See my answer for a functioning app that somehow implemented what I was trying to do.
I've checked around for this and followed every available tutorial - this all seems pretty straightforward but my Storyboard & inspector simply will now allow me to do the following:
-- Add buttons to custom UITableViewButtons (using custom class 'Song Cell')
Every time I try to do so, it puts the button on a view which is above the table view. I've tried setting the cells to dynamic, static, basic, and every other toggle switch I could find.
I think its because I have a slightly awkward settup in terms of views, so I tried to set my TableView to a custom class as well. However, its not showing up in Storyboard's Class Inspector. Here is what I did, to set this Table View to a custom class, so no avail:
-- Create custom class inheriting from UITableViewController, called SongTableViewController
-- Set, in Storyboard, a table view controller's class to SongTableViewController
See this hierarchy:
// edit - Apparently I do not have 10 rep to post pics, so I'll just draw it myself:
▼ Voting View Controller - Current Songs
▼ View
▼ Table View // This is where I would like the custom class, SongTableViewController
> Song Cell
> Song Cell // These cells are where I would like to add the custom buttons
> Song Cell
> Constraints
> Label - 00:00
> Label - Voting will reset in:
Navigation Item - Current Songs
First Responder
When I select the Table View and go to the inspector to change its class, there is no option except for UITableView. Trying to hardcode this and hitting 'return' also does nothing.
Is my inability to add buttons to these cells due to the structure of my views? Or something else?