So I add this line to my .FLA file in the first frame's script:
import mx.core.UIComponent;
I receive this error:
1093: Syntax error.
in line 54. Double click on that in the Compiler Errors panel and I see:
#include "../core/"
OK, the syntax error is likely in ... except it really, really shoud not be. And if I load that file into the Flash editor and syntax check it has no errors. However, if I copy the sole non-comment line of that file (static var version:String = ""; ) into UIComponent in place of the #include, it works????
Now I get this error:
5007: An ActionScript file must have at least one externally visible definition.
Excuse me? This is a class definition file suppled with Flash!
Any clues would be gratefully received.
I'm using Flash CS4 (10.0.2).
went out with ActionScript 2 – John Giotta