
I've been trying for days now to import an .ane file into a Flash CC project in order to use admob banners with it.

I've searched everywhere and I just can't make it work.

Here's what I'm doing exatcly:

  • I downloaded the .zip file from this github: https://github.com/lilili87222/Admob-ANE
  • Inside the .zip file, I got the "admob_all_in_one_6.12.2.ane" file only and put it into a "lib" folder, together with my project .fla.
  • Then, inside Flash CC I open the "Advanced ActionScript 3.0 Settings" window, navigate to the "Library Path" tab and click the "Browse to Native Extention (ANE) File" button.
  • I select my .ane file inside the lib folder and click ok. I try to compile the project, and I get this error: "The content cannot be loaded because there was a problem loading an extension: Error: Extension namespace is invalid"

Any ideas?

Thank you

Sounds like your method is correct. Have you tried using a different ANE?crooksy88

2 Answers


I got the same problem, but after I have updated the Air SDK, it works very well...

Follow this step to update Air SDK.


"namespace is invalid", check the AppName-app.xml

  <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/15.0">

Change your Adobe AIR SDK for a newer