I was exploring all techniques but did not get any proper solution for smooth free drawing on canvas. Then I simply used quadraticCurveTo with different logic without using original mouse points.
I first calculated control point(mid-point) and replace old mouse move point with the control point. I did this 2 times and finally applied quadraticCurveTo to the final array and I got super smooth drawing.
It was amazing. I did it without using this heavy paper.js and other smoothing libraries.
Here is my code:
currentCanvas.lineCap = 'round';
currentCanvas.strokeStyle = "black";
currentCanvas.lineWidth = "2";
currentCanvas.moveTo(queue[0].x, queue[0].y);
//queue is an array of original points which were stored while onmousemove event callback
var tempQueue1 = [queue[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < queue.length - 1; i = i+1) {
//if((Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x)<1) && (Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y)<1)){
var c = (queue[i].x + queue[i + 1].x) / 2;
var d = (queue[i].y + queue[i + 1].y) / 2;
tempQueue1.push({x:c, y:d});
//currentCanvas.quadraticCurveTo(queue[i].x, queue[i].y, c, d);
var tempQueue2 = [tempQueue1[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < tempQueue1.length - 1; i = i+1) {
//if((Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x)<1) && (Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y)<1)){
var c = (tempQueue1[i].x + tempQueue1[i + 1].x) / 2;
var d = (tempQueue1[i].y + tempQueue1[i + 1].y) / 2;
tempQueue2.push({x:c, y:d});
//currentCanvas.quadraticCurveTo(queue[i].x, queue[i].y, c, d);
var tempQueue = [tempQueue2[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < tempQueue2.length - 1; i = i+1) {
//if((Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x)<1) && (Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y)<1)){
var c = (tempQueue2[i].x + tempQueue2[i + 1].x) / 2;
var d = (tempQueue2[i].y + tempQueue2[i + 1].y) / 2;
tempQueue.push({x:c, y:d});
//currentCanvas.quadraticCurveTo(queue[i].x, queue[i].y, c, d);
for (var i = 1; i < tempQueue.length - 2; i = i+1) {
//if((Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].x - queue[i-1].x)<1) && (Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y) >3 || Math.abs(queue[i].y - queue[i-1].y)<1)){
var c = (tempQueue[i].x + tempQueue[i + 1].x) / 2;
var d = (tempQueue[i].y + tempQueue[i + 1].y) / 2;
currentCanvas.quadraticCurveTo(tempQueue[i].x, tempQueue[i].y, c, d);
// For the last 2 points
queue = [];