
OK, I'm guessing that this might be a bug but I'm not totally sure. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

Here's the situation. I have a composite component that seems to work perfectly when it's alone on the page. The problem comes when the component is nested inside of a ui:repeat. Here are the two places I am calling the component (just for a test):

<q:case aCase="#{userSummaryBackingBean.userCases.get(0)}">

    <f:setPropertyActionListener for="clickEvent" target="#{userSummaryBackingBean.value}" value="single"/>
    <f:ajax execute="@this" render="@this :westPaneForm"/> 


<ui:repeat value="#{userSummaryBackingBean.userCases}" var="aCase">
    <q:case aCase="#{aCase}">
        <f:setPropertyActionListener for="clickEvent" target="#{userSummaryBackingBean.value}" value="repeat"/>
        <f:ajax execute="@this" render="@this :westPaneForm"/>                                                                     

and the component is defined as follows:

    <cc:attribute name="aCase" type="com.autonomy.calltrack.data.dto.Case"/>
    <cc:actionSource name="clickEvent" targets="caseCommandLink"/> 
    <cc:attribute name="action" targets="caseCommandLink" />
    <cc:attribute name="actionSource" targets="caseCommandLink" />
    <cc:clientBehavior name="click" event="action" targets="caseCommandLink" default="true"/>


<h:commandLink id="caseCommandLink" styleClass="case ui-state-default" title="#{cc.clientId}">

--- more code ---



As you can see, the calls are exactly the same but the single item works and the items in the ui:repeat do not. Now, it makes sense to me that things will be problematic when the component itself has a ui:repeat. I mean, how would you retarget your actionSource, etc without knowing the ID of the items you need (which, inside of the repeat, is basically impossible).

HOWEVER, when I put the ui:repeat outside of the component I can't wrap my head around why things wouldn't work. The REALLY odd thing is that the f:ajax seems to work totally fine. VERY odd.

I've tried prefixing the targets attributes with :#{cc.clientId} and that doesn't help either (even though the "path" to the components is correct). Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have a solution?

Alright, something must be wrong because even this doesn't work:

<ui:repeat value="#{userSummaryBackingBean.userCases}" var="aCase">

        <h:commandLink id="caseCommandLink" value="test" styleClass="case ui-state-default">
            <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{userSummaryBackingBean.value}" value="REPEAT"/>
            <f:ajax execute="@this" render="@this :westPaneForm"/>       



What the heck could I be missing?

What JSF impl/version are you using? I can't reproduce your problem on Mojarra 2.1.3. Noted should be that <ui:repeat> is really an odd beast and has been fixed/improved a lot throughout the Mojarra 2.x lifetime. A much better choice would be a fullworthy JSF UIData component which renders an <ul><li> like Tomahawk's <t:dataList>, PrimeFaces' <p:dataList>, RichFaces' <rich:dataList>, etc.BalusC
I'm using 2.0.6 because 2.1.3 isn't supported on Tomcat. I guess I could try switching to 2.1.3 with Glassfish I just don't have any experience with GF. I'll also try the UIData option. Thanks!jjross
Ok, I tried with the <p:dataList> and it didn't seem to make a difference. I guess I'll try the upgrade. Unless I have to change something to make it work in the <p:dataList>. I left the <cc:interface> section the same.jjross
2.1.3 is definitely supported on Tomcat. Perhaps you're confusing with 2.1.0 which indeed contained a major bug in annotation scanner (it contained Glassfish specific code and it was fixed asap for 2.1.1).BalusC
Really? Because when I looked at the list of known issues it says that it is "not known to work on Tomcat". From here: javaserverfaces.java.net/nonav/rlnotes/2.1.3/issues.htmljjross

1 Answers


My page was using view params but they weren't a child of f:view so they were causing problems.

When I moved them everything started to work normally. I'm not sure why but it seems that things break when you have something like the following outside of an f:view:

    <f:viewParam name="caseId" value="#{caseBackingBean.viewingCaseNumber}" />

<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{caseBackingBean.loadCase}" />

Thanks for the help BalusC.