Here is the situation:
- I have a component, whose value is a property of my ViewScoped bean, which gets a FacesMessage generated for it do to some error when the form is first submitted
- On a subsequent user action, a h:commandlink is clicked, which uses f:ajax, and its actionlistener sets the component to no longer be rendered
- Upon receiving the reponse, the component is no longer rendered (as expected), but the FacesMessage for it still remains and is displayed
I am using Mojarra JSF 2.1, and IceFaces 3.0 - although this example and the problematic behavior are seen using only standard JSF components. Here is a small example that demonstrates the behavior:
<h:form id="testform">
<h:message for="tv"/>
<h:inputText id="tv" value="#{testBean.testVal}" rendered="#{testBean.testValRendered}" required="true" />
<h:commandButton value="Submit"/>
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{testBean.toggleTestVal}" value="Toggle input">
<f:ajax execute="@this" render="@form"/>
Bean code
@ManagedBean(name = "testBean")
public class TestBean {
private String testVal;
private boolean testValRendered;
public TestBean() {
testValRendered = true;
public String getTestVal() {
return testVal;
public void setTestVal(String testVal) {
this.testVal = testVal;
public boolean isTestValRendered() {
return testValRendered;
public void setTestValRendered(boolean testValRendered) {
this.testValRendered = testValRendered;
public void toggleTestVal(ActionEvent ae) {
testValRendered = !testValRendered;
If I change the h:commandLink so that it does not use f:ajax, and set immediate='true' on it instead, then the message is removed properly. While this may work in some cases, I would like to understand why using f:ajax to render things as I have in my example does not work. Thanks.