I am trying to decode a pcap file and its working fine except couple of things.
import Network.Pcap
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
callfun f = do
( p , q ) <- next f
print $ hdrSeconds p
print $ hdrCaptureLength p
print $ hdrWireLength p
print q
when ( hdrWireLength p /= 0 ) $ callfun f
main = do
f <- openOffline "udp_lite_full_coverage_0.pcap"
callfun f
I want the time return by hdrSeconds p [ time to capture ] in same format as in wireshark [ Date : Month : Year Hour : Min : Sec ] and data return by variable q in Ascii format.Kindly tell me how to do this.
Actually i was trying to parse pcap file to display its content in almost similar manner to wireshark without libpcap library [ purely in haskell by opening the pcap file in binary format and read byte by byte ] but i could not get any further. Could some please put the guide map for this project like what to read , how to approach , any thing which you feel would be helpful .
Edit: I started writing this application but there is some thing missing. I read this file http://www.viste.com/Linux/Server/WireShark/libpcapformat.pdf and it say that first 24 bytes are global headers , after that every packet contains pcap local header . What i am trying to do is , first trying to get the bytes of data in each packet by reading the third field incl_len in local header but my code is not behaving as it suppose . My test libcap file.
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
import System.Time
import Numeric
import System.Environment
hexTodec :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
hexTodec lst = read $ "0x" ++ ( concatMap ( \x -> showHex x "" ) $ BS.unpack lst )
parseFile :: BS.ByteString -> Bool -> IO [ BS.ByteString ]
parseFile xs revflag
| BS.null xs = return []
| otherwise = do
let ind =if revflag then hexTodec . BS.reverse . BS.take 4 . BS.drop 8 $ xs
else hexTodec . BS.take 4 . BS.drop 8 $ xs
print ind
let ( x , ys ) = BS.splitAt ( fromIntegral ind ) xs
--BS.putStrLn $ x
tmp <- parseFile ys revflag
return $ x : tmp
main = do
[ file ] <- getArgs
contents <- BS.readFile file
let ( a , rest ) = BS.splitAt 24 contents --strip global header
let revflag = case BS.unpack $ BS.take 4 a of
[ 0xd4 , 0xc3 , 0xb2 , 0xa1 ] -> True
_ -> False
p <- parseFile rest revflag
print $ p !! 0
BS.putStr $ p !! 0
Mukesh Tiwari