As the reaction to response is that it still does not work, I will provide here complete code, so you can try it out.
Please note that following code does NOT contain proper checks, and CAN crash if file does not exist, there is no memory left, no rights, etc.
In code should be added check for each open, close, read, write operations.
Moreover, I would allocate the buffer dynamically.
int* buffer = new int[10];
That is because I do not feel good when normal array is taken as pointer. But whatever. Please also note, that using correct type (uint32_t, 16, 8, int, short...) should be done to save space, according to number range.
Following code will create file and write there correct data that you can then read.
FILE* somefile;
somefile = fopen("/root/Desktop/CAH/scripts/cryptor C++/OUT/TOCRYPT/wee", "wb");
int buffer[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
buffer[i] = 15;
fwrite((void *)buffer, sizeof(int), 10, somefile);
// print contents of buffer
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << buffer[i] << endl;
somefile = fopen("/root/Desktop/CAH/scripts/cryptor C++/OUT/TOCRYPT/wee", "rb");
fread((void *)buffer, sizeof(int), 10, somefile);
// print contents of buffer
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << buffer[i] << endl;