
I have a WCF Service that I already mention in another question here. As I have read here host WCF in Windows service is the best solution for all reasons. So that's why I select this option. But windows service hosting doesn't allow any visual process communication (before we used self-hosted service, that have hosted in console application and report any problems just into console). How can I get similar way for hosting service? My thoughts is about using another named pipes binding for visual "communication" between service and human. I would be very nice for me if somebody recommend me something useful. Thanks very much in advance guys!


2 Answers


In case you need the "Screen" just so that the service can report the problems, the I would suggest that you use windows event to log such events from the service and then you can create any UI/back ground process that can look for such events in window event log and report them appropriately (ex: sending email etc)


I tend to agree with @Ankur's answer, but figured I'd give you an alternative option. You could consider using WMI provide visual feedback to a running service. I attended an interesting ALT.NET talk on the subject (not WCF specific) a while back (full video is available here) and it should be relatively straightforward to instrument your application with WMI to allow you system state to be queried