I'm developing a web application and since it has access to a database underneath, I require the ability to disable the developer tools from Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and Firebug in Firefox and all similar applications. Is there a way to do this?
Note: The AJAX framework provided by the database requires that anything given to the database to be in web parameters that can be modified and that anything it returns be handled in JavaScript. Therefore when it returns a value like whether or not a user has access to a certain part of the website, it has to be handled in JavaScript, which developer tools can then access anyway. So this is required.
UPDATE: For those of you still thinking I'm making bad assumptions, I did ask the vendor. Below is their response:
Here are some suggestions for ways of mitigating the risk:
1) Use a javascript Obfuscator to obfuscate the code and only provide the obfuscated version with the sold application; keep the non obfuscated version for yourself to do edits. Here is an online obfuscator: How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscated_code http://javascriptobfuscator.com/default.aspx
2) Use a less descriptive name; maybe 'repeatedtasks.js' instead of 'security.js' as 'security.js' will probably stand out more to anyone looking through this type of information as something important.