I am new to MFC and I need to build a multi-language application that should be able to change the language at runtime.
AFAIK the common way for internationalization with MFC is to create resource-only DLLs. But there seems to be no simple way (that means, load DLL, call some function, and MFC updates all stuff automatically or something like that) to switch resource-DLLs at runtime, right?
So I will have to update all controls and so on manually. I already managed to load strings from the string-table of a DLL but since captions of controls like buttons are stored in the corresponding dialog (if I trust my resource-hacker :)) I thought there must be a way to load them and avoid storing an additional string in the string-table manually.
Or is there another way I don't know about?
If it makes any difference...I have to use MS embedded visual c++ 4