Before anyone bashes me with, read this first and that second, I have tried following links below to achieve internationalization with MFC.
Creating resourse DLL: Localization of MFC Components
Localization for older MFC htp://
I am new to MFC so please be kind with your answers. So in order to get localization with MFC 7 and above I followed these steps. (Currently using MFC with Visual Studio11)
- Created a MFC Project (MyApp) with MFC in a shared DLL
- To add a another language (German) to the app, I created a win32 Dll project (MyAppDEU)
- Copied the resource file (MyApp.rc) inside same folder and renamed it MyAppDEU.rc
- Added the MyAppDEU.rc file to the dll project
- In resource view of MyAppDEU.rc, changed the VS_VERSION_INFO -> Block header to "Deutsch (000704b0)"
- Changed some strings in the string table to see the difference when the main app loads
- Changed the ouput of the MyAppDEU project to build inside the MyApp Output folder
- Compiled MyAppDEU to get the Dll
- Compiled MyApp with and without following the instructions from point 9
So with all these done, I failed to see any difference in my Application. It loads with the English resouce file which I created the App with. My computer has a German Windows 8 OS. From what I know MFC has inbuilt multilanguage support with Satellite Dlls. I have the correct naming format ApplicationNameXXX.dll. The dlls are in the same directory as the exe.
I hope someone can see what Im doing wrong or missing here. I am fairly new to MFC and appreciate any help regarding this.