I need to load a data file, test.dat, into Matlab. The contents of data file are like
*a682 1233~0.2
*a2345 233~0.8 345~0.2 4567~0.3
*a3457 345~0.9 34557~1.2 34578~0.2 9809~0.1 2345~2.9 23452~0.9 334557~1.2 234578~0.2 19809~0.1 23452~2.9 3452~0.9 4557~1.2 3578~0.2 92809~0.1 12345~2.9 232452~0.9 33557~1.6 23478~0.6 198099~2.1 234532~2.9 …
How to read this type of file into matlab, and use the terms, such as *2345 to identify a row, which links to corresponding terms, including 233~0.8 345~0.2 4567~0.3