
We are using NServicebus to design a system that has to solve an auction scenario: we want to send out a message to a set of companies that can bid on an item. After we've received all the bids we want to send the item to the highest bidder.

We initially thought this kind of scenario was perfectly suited for NServicebus: Pub/sub for sending out a message (e.g. BidOnItem or ItemAvailable), message handlers that subscribe to that message for each interested company and a saga for storing the different bids we receive and we're done.

In a normal auction we could set a timeout at say 5 minutes and then decide who gets the item based on the highest price we've received. We don't have that luxury. The problem that we've run in to is that our specific scenario has a tricky, non-negotiable business requirement: the auction is very time-sensitive. Seconds matter. What we'd like to do is decide who gets the item as soon as all companies have responded. Usually this will happen in a matter of seconds. We want to decide the second all subscribers have responded. Obviously we'll also still implement a timeout but that will be the exception rather than the rule. If we want to determine if everyone has replied we'd need something like a list of all the handlers at all the endpoints that are subscribed to the BidOnItem message. It appears the NServicebus API doesn't provide this information.

There are some future requirements we have to implement as well centered around data enrichment and approval/rejection decisions that would benefit greatly from knowing whether all handlers on a pub/sub channel have responded. I know this reeks of request/reply which is something NServicebus discourages because of the coupling it causes but this requirement feels like something that's fundamental for a lot of processes that is very hard to implement outside of the core bus infrastructure. In that sense it feels a lot like Saga.ReplyToOriginator which NServicebus does provide.

What would be the "NServicebus Way" to solve this problem?


1 Answers


Pub/Sub is usually not the way to go in these auction scenarios. What if your saga would do reguest/response with your bidders?

S: OnAuctionCreated (carries the list of bidders, or you could fetch them somewhere) foreach bidder in event.Bidders -bus.Send(RequestBidFrom(bidder)) SetTimeout(X)

S: OnBidResponse bids.Add(response.Bidder,response.Bid)

if(bids.Count()== Data.TotalBidders) CompleteAuction();

S:OnTimeout CompleteAuction()