In NServicebus 7 you can set concurrency that means you can decide how many messages in queue your software can process in parallel. This can be done at NserviceBus Endpoint level.
I have few doubts about this concept:
- the concurrency is per queue not per message Type? Right?
- If I use satellites which means I’ll have N different queues (for example: one per message Type), the concurrency will still be per queue?
For example:
- I have configured 1 endpoint (so 1 queue) and setted to 10 the concurrency level. I manage 5 different commands (handlers). All the commands are stored in the same queue, mixed. In this case the endpoint is able to take 10 commands per time from the queue without considering the type, correct?
- In a second scenario i have 5 satellites which manage the 5 message types, 1 dedicated queue per type. In this case each satellite is able to take 10 messages per time from its queue?