First, determine if there's a simple mathematical expression to give the number. Maybe a factorization. For example, it takes less space to write 2^64*3^40
than 224269343257001716702690972139746492416
Otherwise, as Telescope suggested in their comment, use a higher numerical base. In general, writing the integer n in base b takes approximately (log n)/(log b) characters.
Base 36 is a convenient choice, with case-insensitive alphanumeric numerals, which use 64.25% of the space of the base-10 equivalent.
If you want to stick to ASCII digits, try Base 94, using the printable ASCII characters from 33 to 126. Base 94 numerals are 50.68% of the length of the base-ten equivalent.
If you can use Unicode, maybe pick a block of 1000 Kanji characters to use as your "digits". That takes only 1/3 of the space of base-ten. Or if you can find 10,000 usable "digits", you're down to only 1/4 of the space.