When accessing com_users component in Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 on front-end the application automatically imports all plugins from 'user' group. Obviously it is very useful if one doesn't want to create a component to simply pass some variables to a plugin.
Ok. let's make it simplier:
- User gets an activation link: http://example.com/index.php?option=com_users&task=edit&emailactivation=1&u=63&d077b8106=1 and clicks it.
- Of course the component will omit emailactivation and other params simply displying "Edit Profile Form" (or login form for guests).
- Then JApplication imports all plugins from 'user' group, which triggers __constructors
Basically, with plugin's __constructor one can set up simple action like this one below:
class plgUserAccountactivation extends JPlugin
public function __construct(& $subject, $config)
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
if(isset($_GET['emailactivation'])) {
// check token
// activate account, email or whatever
// redirect with message
Wow! It works, it is not necessary to create a whole controller to handle one simple task.
But hold on a minute...
- In the link change index.php?option=com_users to index.php?option=com_user
- And let's try on Joomla 1.5...
Hey, hey, nothing happens com_user didn't import anything at all and __constructor wan't called.
I am very troubled by this in Joomla 1.5 and I don't feel like writing whole component.
Should anybody have some bright idea, please let me know.
Edit: I've solved my problem by sending the link in the following form:
This way user plugins are included and __constructors are executed. But this is so frivolous as task=logout doesn't really encourage to click in the link.