In rails3, I make same scopes in model. for example
class Common < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :recent , order('created_at DESC')
scope :before_at , lambda{|at| where("created_at < ?" , at) }
scope :after_at , lambda{|at| where("created_at > ?" , at) }
I want to split common scopes to module in lib. So I try like this one.
module ScopeExtension
module Timestamps
def self.included(base)
base.send :extend, ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
scope :recent , lambda{order('created_at DESC')}
scope :before_at , lambda{|at| where("created_at < ?" , at) }
scope :after_at , lambda{|at| where("created_at > ?" , at) }
and I write this one
class Common < ActiveRecord::Base
include ScopeExtension::Timestamps
But Rails show this error.
undefined method `scope' for ScopeExtension::Timestamps::ClassMethods:Module
(I didn't forget auto loading library)
How can I easily reuse common scope feature in active record?
I guess this problem to relate loading sequence. But I don't have any idea to solve. Please hint me.