My Main window defines the markup for the application, for this specific scenario lets say I have a grid with 2 columns.
First column will have navigation links, and second column will display the different views.
There are 2 views (and 2 viewmodels) defined in mainwindow xaml:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Window1ViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Window2ViewModel}">
And in second grid column that displays the views i got :
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=ViewModel}" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
Where ViewModel is a property that I set accordingly to a view(viewmodel) that i want to display.
Like :
ViewModel = new Window1ViewModel();
(datacontext of the mainwindowview is set to MainWindowViewModel)
So there is no problem to switch between views from the MainWindowViewModel.
My problem is how to switch within Window1ViewModel into Window1ViewMode2?
The various ViewModels don't "know" about other ViewModels.
Only MainWindowViewModel knos about others...
How can I solve this? Maybe I should define a custom Event (with parameter), MainWindowViewModel will subscribe and other viewmodels will trigger it and then MainWindowViewModel will switch to the needed view?