in my WPF-application i have multiple Views in a main window and i tried to implement a navigation between those. My Problem is that i can't set the DataContext attribute of the views. My MainWindowViewModel:
public Class MainWindowViewModel
public MainScreenViewModel mainScreenViewModel { get; set; }
public LevelViewModel levelViewModel { get; set; }
public ViewModelBase CurrentViewModel
get { return _currentViewModel; }
_currentViewModel = value;
private AdvancedViewModelBase _currentViewModel;
My MainWindow:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:MainScreenViewModel}">
<views:MainScreen />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:LevelViewModel}">
<views:LevelView />
<UserControl Content="{Binding Path=CurrentViewModel, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"></UserControl>
So the main idea is that the CurentViewModel shows on which View the navigation is at the moment (the DataTemplate shows the coreponding View to the ViewModel). The Problem is that the shown View doesn't get the DataContext (so the properties mainScreenViewModel/levelViewModel of the MainWindowViewModel), it creates a new instance of the ViewModels. Is it possible to hand over the properties as a DataContext to the View from the DataTemplate? Thanks for your help!
property is arguably bad too – MickyD