With Delphi XE and Indy, I got some code which submits to a web form.
idhttp := TidHttp.create;
postData := TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create;
postData.AddFormField('name', edName.text);
postData.AddFormField('email', edEmail.txt);
postData.AddFormField('description', mDescription.text);
idhttp.Request.ContentType := 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=' + postData.Boundary;
idhttp.fHttp.Post('http://www.example.com/contact.php', postData);
ShowMessage('Thank you for your contact us.');
However, when I enter something likes this in the description memo.
This is a really long descriptie piece of text so we can see just how it's wrapping these lines and what it's doig to them I think it's making a hash of it.
Argh waht a pain.
I get
This is a really long descriptie piece of text so we can see just how =
it's wrapping these lines and what it's doig to them I think it's maki=
ng a hash of it.
Argh waht a pain.
So it seems to be word wrapping for me, with = Anyone with any clues?