
I'm writing code to update a matplotlib graph in real time while embedded into a PyQt5 application. Separately, the two pieces of code (for the graph and the embedding of a still graph. Putting the two together causes a blank window with a graph to open. Upon closing the window it opens the correct application window, with the embedded graph. However, the graph is not updating, but with the line data of what SHOULD be on the graph at said time.

Removing plt.show() only causes a blank graph to appear in the embedded window. It appears that the code runs on the bank graph that opens first, and then updates it to the hidden graph in the application window.

Is there any...simple fix, or is this going to be a much longer process?

# This aint it chief
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget
import itertools as itrt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

class Canvas(FigureCanvas):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        fig, self.ax = plt.subplots()

        # creates figure "ax" with a grid

        # creates time
        t = []

        # sets time as xdata
        xdata = t

        # ydata inputs
        ydataps1 = []
        ydataps2 = []
        ydataps3 = []
        ydataps4 = []
        ydatads1 = []

        # generates data for the graph
        def datagen():
            # creates timer on the x-axis
            for cnt in itrt.count():
                t = cnt / 10
                # y value inputs
                ps1y = np.log(np.pi * t)
                ps2y = np.log(5 * np.pi * t)
                ps3y = np.log(3 * np.pi * t)
                ps4y = np.log(2 * np.pi * t)
                ds1y = np.log(1.5 * np.pi * t)

                # yields data to move it to run function
                yield t, ps1y, ps2y, ps3y, ps4y, ds1y

        # # creates lines with line-width two, at points t and y[]
        lineps1, = self.ax.plot(t, [], lw=2)
        lineps2, = self.ax.plot(t, [], lw=2)
        lineps3, = self.ax.plot(t, [], lw=2)
        lineps4, = self.ax.plot(t, [], lw=2)
        lineds1, = self.ax.plot(t, [], lw=2)

        # init function, clears line data and sets the line data to be t and y[]
        def init():
            # clear data
            del xdata[:]
            del ydataps1[:]
            del ydataps2[:]
            del ydataps3[:]
            del ydataps4[:]
            del ydatads1[:]

            # set line data to cleared
            lineps1.set_data(xdata, ydataps1)
            lineps2.set_data(xdata, ydataps2)
            lineps3.set_data(xdata, ydataps3)
            lineps4.set_data(xdata, ydataps4)
            lineds1.set_data(xdata, ydatads1)

            # return updated values
            return lineps1, lineps2, lineps3, lineps4, lineds1

        # updates values for data
        def run(data):
            # time (t) and y = data
            t, yps1, yps2, yps3, yps4, yds1 = data
            # update x to be set to time
            # update ydatas to new y values

            # auto-scaling (kinda)
            xmin, xmax = self.ax.get_xlim()
            ymin, ymax = self.ax.get_ylim()

            # compares all y data to ensure the graph scales on the highest value
            ydata_list = [yps1, yps2, yps3, yps4, yds1]
            max_value = max(ydata_list)

            # y scale
            if max_value >= ymax:
                self.ax.set_ylim(ymin, 2*ymax)

            # Time autoscale
            if t >= xmax:
                self.ax.set_xlim(xmin, 2*xmax)

            # updates lines
            lineps1.set_data(xdata, ydataps1)
            lineps2.set_data(xdata, ydataps2)
            lineps3.set_data(xdata, ydataps3)
            lineps4.set_data(xdata, ydataps4)
            lineds1.set_data(xdata, ydatads1)

            # returns updated line values
            return lineps1, lineps2, lineps3, lineps4, lineds1

        # creates an animation function which runs all the functions in a loop
        ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, run, datagen, interval=1, init_func=init)

        # show graph, absolutely necessary

class AppDemo(QWidget)      :
    def __init__(self):
        self.resize(1600, 800)

        chart = Canvas(self)

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
demo = AppDemo()