My endgame is to print
this object (below) like this in the console from the data in my app which is connected with @Published & @StateObjects.
The Object I want to create to eventually send via api (api part out of scope). One Object called "household"
with a few different arrays: receiving_benefits
, utility_providers
, person_details
, incomes
, assets
"household": {
"region": "PA",
"household_size": 1,
"receiving_benefits": [
"energy_crisis": false,
"utility_providers": [
"residence_type": "other",
"property_tax_past_due": false,
"home_needs_repairs": false,
"filed_previous_year_tax_return": false,
"heating_system_needs_repairs": false,
"at_risk_of_homelessness": false,
"received_maximum_benefit": {
"cip": false
"person_details": [
"age": 18,
"marital_status": "single",
"minimum_employment_over_extended_period": false,
"work_status": "recent_loss",
"pregnant": false,
"attending_school": false,
"disabled": false
"incomes": [
"gross_monthly_amount": 700,
"countable_group": "household",
"year": "current"
"gross_monthly_amount": 700,
"countable_group": "household",
"year": "previous"
"assets": [
"amount": 1000,
"countable_group": "household"
The classes I have in a file called Eligible are the follow, but I'll only expand on the ones I believe are important:
class Incomes : ObservableObject, Codable {...}
class Assets : ObservableObject, Codable {...}
class Person_details : ObservableObject, Codable {...}
class Received_maximum_benefit : ObservableObject, Codable {...}
class Base : ObservableObject, Codable {
@Published var household: Household?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case household = "household"
init() { }
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(household, forKey: .household)
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
household = try container.decode(Household.self, forKey: .household)
class Household : ObservableObject, Codable {
@Published var region: String = ""
@Published var household_size: Int = 1
@Published var receiving_benefits : [String]?
@Published var energy_crisis : Bool = false
@Published var utility_providers: [String] = [""]
@Published var residence_type : String = ""
@Published var property_tax_past_due : Bool = false
@Published var home_needs_repairs : Bool = false
@Published var filed_previous_year_tax_return : Bool = false
@Published var heating_system_needs_repairs : Bool = false
@Published var at_risk_of_homelessness: Bool = false
@Published var received_maximum_benefit : Received_maximum_benefit?
@Published var person_details : [Person_details]?
@Published var Income : [Incomes]?
@Published var assets : [Assets]?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case region = "region"
case household_size = "household_size"
case receiving_benefits = "receiving_benefits"
case energy_crisis = "energy_crisis"
case utility_providers = "utility_providers"
case residence_type = "residence_type"
case property_tax_past_due = "property_tax_past_due"
case home_needs_repairs = "home_needs_repairs"
case filed_previous_year_tax_return = "filed_previous_year_tax_return"
case heating_system_needs_repairs = "heating_system_needs_repairs"
case at_risk_of_homelessness = "at_risk_of_homelessness"
case received_maximum_benefit = "received_maximum_benefit"
case person_details = "person_details"
case Income = "incomes"
case assets = "assets"
init() { }
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(region, forKey: .region)
try container.encode(household_size, forKey: .household_size)
try container.encode(receiving_benefits, forKey: .receiving_benefits)
try container.encode(energy_crisis, forKey: .energy_crisis)
try container.encode(utility_providers, forKey: .utility_providers)
try container.encode(residence_type, forKey: .residence_type)
try container.encode(property_tax_past_due, forKey: .property_tax_past_due)
try container.encode(home_needs_repairs, forKey: .home_needs_repairs)
try container.encode(filed_previous_year_tax_return, forKey: .filed_previous_year_tax_return)
try container.encode(heating_system_needs_repairs, forKey: .heating_system_needs_repairs)
try container.encode(at_risk_of_homelessness, forKey: .at_risk_of_homelessness)
try container.encode(received_maximum_benefit, forKey: .received_maximum_benefit)
try container.encode(person_details, forKey: .person_details)
try container.encode(Income, forKey: .Income)
try container.encode(assets, forKey: .assets)
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
region = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .region)
household_size = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .household_size)
receiving_benefits = try container.decode([String].self, forKey: .receiving_benefits)
energy_crisis = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .energy_crisis)
utility_providers = try container.decode([String].self, forKey: .utility_providers)
residence_type = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .residence_type)
property_tax_past_due = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .property_tax_past_due)
home_needs_repairs = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .home_needs_repairs)
filed_previous_year_tax_return = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .filed_previous_year_tax_return)
heating_system_needs_repairs = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .heating_system_needs_repairs)
at_risk_of_homelessness = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .at_risk_of_homelessness)
received_maximum_benefit = try container.decode(Received_maximum_benefit.self, forKey: .received_maximum_benefit)
person_details = try container.decode([Person_details].self, forKey: .person_details)
Income = try container.decode([Incomes].self, forKey: .Income)
assets = try container.decode([Assets].self, forKey: .assets)
And the following are the @StateObjects in my content view connected to the classes:
@StateObject var eligBase = Base()
@StateObject var user = Household()
@StateObject var personDetails = Person_details()
@StateObject var Income = Incomes()
@StateObject var Asset = Assets()
@StateObject var RMB = Received_maximum_benefit()
Once I select a button inside the ContentView, I have the following that is prints the data into the console in json pretty format:
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
do {
let data = try encoder.encode(user)
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)
} catch {
has you can see based on the @StateObjects, when I ask it to encode 'user', which is the Household class, it doesn't print out the Income
, Assets
or PersonDetails
arrays etc and only prints out the other @Published variables in the Household class like so:
"filed_previous_year_tax_return" : true,
"heating_system_needs_repairs" : false,
"household_size" : 1,
"assets" : null,
"home_needs_repairs" : false,
"person_details" : null,
"utility_providers" : [
"energy_crisis" : false,
"incomes" : null,
"receiving_benefits" : null,
"region" : "PA",
"residence_type" : "rent",
"received_maximum_benefit" : null,
"at_risk_of_homelessness" : true,
"property_tax_past_due" : false
I've tried to printing out the Base
class but only prints out the following:
"household" : null
Basically, not sure what I'm doing wrong or how I can recreate that payload at the top of this question but once I'm able to create that payload I'll be able to send with a API.