
Please I need input on deprecation of ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx according to the below article. We are using parent.Xrm in standalone web resource for an integration. I am confused about "window.parent.Xrm.WebApi.online.****" will these sort of sdk methods still work. According to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/important-changes-coming:

"Including a reference to ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx does not make the Xrm object available in HTML web resources. Therefore, scripts containing Xrm. methods aren’t supported in HTML web resources. parent.Xrm.* will work if the HTML web resource is loaded in a form container. However, for other places, such as loading an HTML web resource as part of the SiteMap, parent.Xrm.* also won’t work."*

So parent.Xrm won't work but what about window.parent.Xrm being used in a HTML web resource as part of the SiteMap/standalone html web resource.


Would appreciate some clarification.