I tried to show the two columns into separate like in the image but i am getting an error In rbind(df, subrow) : number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2)
x = structure(list(Incubatee = c("SpotSense", "Devidayal Solar Solutions "
), Sector = c("Health", "Energy & CleanTech"), date = structure(c(18809,
18840), class = "Date"), year = c(2021L, 2021L), month = structure(4:5, .Label = c("Apr",
"May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan",
"Feb", "Mar"), class = "factor"), qtr = structure(c(2L, 2L), .Label = c("Q1",
"Q2", "Q3", "Q4"), class = "factor"), year_range = c("2021-2022",
"2021-2022"), count = c(1, 1), type = c("Actual", "Actual"),
yrmo = structure(9:10, .Label = c("May-2019", "Sep-2019",
"Oct-2019", "Mar-2020", "May-2020", "Jul-2020", "Dec-2020",
"Feb-2021", "Jul-2021", "Aug-2021"), class = "factor"), qtr_yr = structure(c(9L,
9L), .Label = c("Q1-2019", "Q2-2019", "Q3-2019", "Q4-2020",
"Q1-2020", "Q2-2020", "Q3-2020", "Q4-2021", "Q2-2021"), class = "factor"),
m_date = c("Jul-2021-07-01", "Aug-2021-08-01")), row.names = c(NA,
-2L), class = "data.frame")
expand_collapse <- function(right_table){
sector_list <- unique(right_table$Sector)
df = data.frame("Sector1"=c(""),"Sector"=c(""),"Incubatee"=c(""),"Actual"=c(""))
my_fun <- function(s){
df1 = right_table[right_table$Sector==s,]
sector1 = df1$Sector[1]
Sector = df1$Sector[1]
Incubatee = ""
actual = as.character(nrow(df1))
mainrow = c(sector1,Sector,Incubatee,actual)
df = rbind(df,mainrow)
incubatee_list <<- unique(df1$Incubatee)
df = do.call(rbind,lapply(sector_list, my_fun))
my_fun2 <- function(i){
df2 = right_table[right_table$Incubatee==i,]
sector1 = df1$Sector[1]
Sector = ""
Incubatee = df2$Incubatee[1]
actual = nrow(df2)
subrow = c(sector1,Sector,Incubatee,actual)
df = rbind(df,subrow)
df = do.call(cbind,lapply(incubatee_list, my_fun2))
df = df[2:nrow(df),]
df$Actual = as.numeric(df$Actual)
df_total = nrow(right_table)
df = rbind(df,c("","Total","",df_total))
DT::datatable(expand_collapse(x), rownames = F,escape = FALSE,selection=list(mode="single",target="row"),options = list(pageLength = 50,scrollX = TRUE,dom = 'tp',ordering=F,columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=0),list(className = 'dt-left', targets = '_all'))),class='hover cell-border stripe')