
I want domain.com/custompage, but the built in functionality puts all pages inside a /pages/ directory so the URL comes out domain.com/pages/custompage which I don't want.

I found this answer from a Shopify Guru in 2016 that mentions potentially setting up a custom HTML template or using an app, which no longer exists.

Any clues on how to achieve this? I have limited experience with Shopify templates, but could figure it out if someone could point me in the right direction.

This blogger says it can't be done:

"Q: Can you create pages on the root? A: The answer to this is no –> all pages have either /pages/, /collections/ or /products/ in the URL."

However others have told me it is possible. Just not how to do it.

In the default Shopify store you can't update or change the URL structure, but if you using the headless Ecommerce with Shopify then you choose whatever you want.Onkar

1 Answers


Create a section Name "test" // first a step Create a page json Name "test" // The second step After creating the page, JSON does a section test