I'm building a Shopify website and I'm trying to create a simple "Contact Us" page that allows the user to POST their comments (e.g. name, email, comments). The Shopify website is hosted (as all Shopify accounts are) but I can set up a CNAME from my domain to point the Shopify hosted pages (that way I have a vanity URL).
I'm wondering, will this enable me to POST directly from the Shopify hosted pages to a script on my server?
Example: The Shopify pages are at: http://myawesomestore.shopify.com On my contact-us page: http://myawesomestore.shopify.com/pages/contact-us/ I want to POST to a script on my domain (where I can store in a database): www.my-domain.com/contact-us.php
If I cannot do this, what is the best solution for posting from a hosted solution to an owned solution (i.e. I cannot set up a proxy on their domain to POST to mine).
I hope this makes sense, I'm still very much a novice and there are just too many fundamentals here to comprehend before I could logically build this solution myself.
Thank you all so much in advance!
Cheers, Rob