
I'm trying to make a Google Apps Script that applies a filter function to each sheet in my spreadsheet except for certain sheets. I'd like it to ignore particular named sheets, as well as a "blankSheet" variable. I'd like "blankSheet" to consist of any sheets that have no data in a particular range of cells (A2:H).

I tried the following, but the resulting filter function in my spreadsheet still includes an empty sheet. Thanks for the help!

function myFunction() {

const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const shts = ss.getSheets().filter(sh => sh.getDataRange().isBlank()).map(s => s.getName()).join(',');

//set variables
const masterSheet = "master";
const masterSheetFormulaCell = "A2";
const ignoreSheets = ["notifications","main",shts];
const dataRange = "A2:I";
const checkRangeA = "A2:A";
const checkRangeB = "B2:B";
const checkRangeC = "C2:C";
const checkRangeD = "D2:D";
const checkRangeE = "E2:E";
const checkRangeF = "F2:F";
const checkRangeG = "G2:G";
const checkRangeH = "H2:H";
const checkRangeI = "I2:I";
//end set variables


const allSheets = ss.getSheets();

const filteredListOfSheets = allSheets.filter(s => ignoreSheets.indexOf(s.getSheetName()) == -1);

let formulaArray = filteredListOfSheets.map(s => `FILTER({'${s.getSheetName()}'!${dataRange},"${s.getSheetName()}" &LEFT(ROW('${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeA}),0),ROW('${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeA})},'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeB}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeC}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeD}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeE}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeF}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeG}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeH}&'${s.getSheetName()}'!${checkRangeI}<>"")`);

let formulaText = "=SORT({" + formulaArray.join(";") + "},10,True,11,True)";




1 Answers


This type of operation might be useful for finding blank sheets:

function blankSheets() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  let shts = ss.getSheets().filter(sh => sh.getDataRange().isBlank()).map(s => s.getName()).join(',');
  return shts;//returns an array of blank sheet names


You said you wanted to assign the array of blanks sheet names to a single const so how about this:

const shts = ss.getSheets().filter(sh => sh.getDataRange().isBlank()).map(s => s.getName()).join(',');

The filter function returns only the blanks sheets and the map section returns only the blank sheet names and the join section return all of the names separated by commas.