As written in this answer,
will either send you an email (eventually) of errors that have happened in your scripts, or, if you are running things from the Script Editor
, you can view the log from the last run function by going to View->Logs
(still in script editor). Again, that will only show you anything that was logged from the last function you ran from inside Script Editor
The script I was trying to get working had to do with spreadsheets - I made a spreadsheet todo-checklist type thing that sorted items by priorities and such.
The only triggers I installed for that script were the onOpen and onEdit triggers. Debugging the onEdit trigger was the hardest one to figure out, because I kept thinking that if I set a breakpoint in my onEdit function, opened the spreadsheet, edited a cell, that my breakpoint would be triggered. This is not the case.
To simulate having edited a cell, I did end up having to do something in the actual spreadsheet though. All I did was make sure the cell that I wanted it to treat as "edited" was selected, then in Script Editor
, I would go to Run->onEdit
. Then my breakpoint would be hit.
However, I did have to stop using the event argument that gets passed into the onEdit function - you can't simulate that by doing Run->onEdit
. Any info I needed from the spreadsheet, like which cell was selected, etc, I had to figure out manually.
Anyways, long answer, but I figured it out eventually.
If you want to see the todo checklist I made, you can check it out here
(yes, I know anybody can edit it - that's the point of sharing it!)
I was hoping it'd let you see the script as well. Since you can't see it there, here it is:
function onOpen() {
function setCheckboxes() {
var checklist = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("checklist");
var checklist_data_range = checklist.getDataRange();
var checklist_num_rows = checklist_data_range.getNumRows();
Logger.log("checklist num rows: " + checklist_num_rows);
var coredata = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("core_data");
var coredata_data_range = coredata.getDataRange();
for(var i = 0 ; i < checklist_num_rows-1; i++) {
var split = checklist_data_range.getCell(i+2, 3).getValue().split(" || ");
var item_id = split[split.length - 1];
if(item_id != "") {
item_id = parseInt(item_id);
Logger.log("setting value at ("+(i+2)+",2) to " + coredata_data_range.getCell(item_id+1, 3).getValue());
checklist_data_range.getCell(i+2,2).setValue(coredata_data_range.getCell(item_id+1, 3).getValue());
function onEdit() {
var active_sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if(active_sheet.getName() == "checklist") {
var active_range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getActiveRange();
Logger.log("active_range: " + active_range);
Logger.log("active range col: " + active_range.getColumn() + "active range row: " + active_range.getRow());
Logger.log("active_range.value: " + active_range.getCell(1, 1).getValue());
Logger.log("active_range. colidx: " + active_range.getColumnIndex());
if(active_range.getCell(1,1).getValue() == "?" || active_range.getCell(1,1).getValue() == "?") {
Logger.log("made it!");
var next_cell = active_sheet.getRange(active_range.getRow(), active_range.getColumn()+1, 1, 1).getCell(1,1);
var val = next_cell.getValue();
Logger.log("val: " + val);
var splits = val.split(" || ");
var item_id = splits[splits.length-1];
Logger.log("item_id: " + item_id);
var core_data = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("core_data");
var sheet_data_range = core_data.getDataRange();
var num_rows = sheet_data_range.getNumRows();
var sheet_values = sheet_data_range.getValues();
Logger.log("num_rows: " + num_rows);
for(var i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
Logger.log("sheet_values[" + (i) + "][" + (8) + "] = " + sheet_values[i][8]);
if(sheet_values[i][8] == item_id) {
Logger.log("found it! tyring to set it...");
sheet_data_range.getCell(i+1, 2+1).setValue(active_range.getCell(1,1).getValue());
Logger.log('firstLog');MailApp.sendEmail({to:'yourEmailAddressHere@someone.com',subject: "subject here ^_^",body: Logger.getLog()});
– Coty Embry